our church

parish groups

Mallow Parish


Mallow Parish Centre

St. Joseph’s Parish Centre 27/28 Bank Place, Mallow, Co. Cork.

The Parish Centre Office was established to be the welcoming and administrative centre for the Parish of Mallow. Baptisms are organised, Masses are booked, stations arranged, Certificates are issued through this office. Signed Mass cards are also provided. Meeting rooms are available for the various parish groups.

Office hours


Rt. Rev.  Msgr. Anthony O’Brien, PP, V.G. 

Eoghan Kenny (Chairman)

Eileen Joyce (Secretary)

V. Rev. Andrew Carvill Adm., Mourneabbey

Fr. Damien Lynch C.C.

Gillian Groeger

Denis Lucey

John Hennigan

Bernadette O’Connor

Gwen O’Keeffe

Aisling Smith

Ivan O’Connell

Colm Smith

Annette O’Donovan

Eddie Hennigan

Jeannette Uwimana

Joseph Abraham

Welcome team

To help make Mallow Parish a community that welcomes everyone through reaching out in love and friendship,  this subcommittee meets as needed during the year to find ideas and to bring them to life.  Our ultimate goal is to create a joyous sense of belonging through encouraging a caring community environment.  

We welcome everybody and anybody to provide ideas and get involved.


Gillian Geoeger 085 1007867

Denis Lucey 087 0687797

Mallow Heritage Centre

St. Joseph’s Parish Centre 27/28 Bank Place, Mallow, Co. Cork.

Mallow Heritage Centre is also based in this office (Genealogy Centre for the Diocese of Cloyne) and has the baptismal and marriage records for the 46 Parishes of the Diocese of Cloyne from the early 1800’s to 1922 available along with other research material.

The Heritage Centre is also affiliated to the 34 other Research Centres around Ireland for searching online through the Roots Ireland website at

Other resources at Mallow Heritage Centre also include:

  • Tithe Allotment Books, Griffiths Valuation 1848 – 1864
  • 1901 and 1911 Census Records
  • Some Graveyard Inscriptions
  • School Registers


Baptism Preparation Team

The Baptism Preparation Team was established to help and support parents who wish to have their child or children baptised into the Christian Faith Community. Two team members visit the parent(s) to advise and support them on the spiritual and practical steps involve in this sacrament following application to the Parish Centre. The group meet on a regular basis


Ministeries of the Word

Readers or Ministers of the Word

This support group volunteer to read the word of God at each of the Masses and at special events held in the Parish throughout the year both on weekdays and on Sundays.

Contact St. Mary’s Church

Contact Church of the Resurrection

Marian Movement of Priests

The MMP is a worldwide movement which prays for priests. Our Lady asked Fr. Gobbi, an Italian priest when he was praying at Our Lady’s Shrine, Fatima in May 1972 to set up a movement and that she herself would be the leader. We consecrate ourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and are strongly united with the Pope and the Catholic Church. We meet every Monday from 8:00 pm to 10:00pm in the portacabin behind the pitch and putt club in Gouldshill on the grounds of the Majestic. Everybody is most welcome each any Monday.


St. Aloysius Faith Camp

Every Summer in the first week of July, a four day faith camp is held in the CDYS Mallow Community Youth Centre. This summer camp is for boys and girls (5 to 13 years). Each day the young people start with the Morning Prayer followed by drama, music, arts, crafts, sport and Good Shepard Catechesis (facilitated by the Missionaries of Charity, Blarney). Supervised adoration is held every day where young people have an opportunity to sit and talk to Jesus. The day finishes with Mass where the young people participate in singing, readings and as altar servers. On Thursdays there is an opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Families are invited to the closing festival for Mass and drama performances. Leaders are from Mallow Parish Youth Ministry, Jesus Youth Movement and the Pope John Paul II Award participants.


St. Joseph’s Young Priest's Society

St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society is a Catholic lay organisation which exists to support through prayer and financially clerical students on their journey to the priesthood. The society fosters vocations to the priesthood and religious life. It promotes the vocation of the laity and fosters a greater understanding and love for the Mass. The group meet in the Parish Centre at 8:00pm on the second Monday of very month.


Pope John Paul II Award

Through this award, young people in the Cloyne Diocese will be enabled to take part in the life of their Church, in the life of their community and society and also to become more aware of the teaching and role of the Catholic Church in the world. It allows young people to understand that religion and faith are not just for learning, nor are they a list of rules, but that they are for living. The award is for students who are in full time education and who have completed their Junior Certificate, aged 16 to 18. The award is made up of three strands. In the first two strands the young people are invited to commit themselves to active involvement in both the life of their local parish and in service of the community. The third strand invites them to write a short reflection on how their involvement has helped them to understand better what it means to be a member of the church.


Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

In recent years our parish has welcomed adult men and women who presented themselves for baptism. People from other lands and traditions find that the faith of their friends and neighbours have inspired them to want to learn more about becoming a Catholic and being baptised into the Christian faith.
The 'Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults' (RCIA) is the process by which the Catholic Church welcomes new adult members into the Christian Community.
Who can participate in the RCIA?
Non-Christians who are interested in becoming members of the Christian Community.
Those baptised in another Christian tradition who are interested in becoming full members of the Catholic Church.
Catholics who are baptised but who have not yet received the Sacrament of the Eucharist or Confirmation.

Parish Finance Committee

The Parish Finance Committee consists of lay and clergy who meet on a number of times a year and advise on the financial matters of the Parish; overseeing receipts, payments, special collections and preparation of accounts.


Legion of Mary

The basic unit of the Legion is called a Praesidium, which is normally based in a parish. To be an active legionary it is necessary to apply for membership in a praesidium , which holds weekly meetings and allocates a weekly apostolic task to members, who generally work in pairs. The legion sees as its priority a spiritual and social welfare of each individual. The members participate in the life of the parish through visitation of families, the sick, both in their homes and in hospitals and through collaboration in every apostolic and missionary undertaking by the parish. Every legionary is required to carry out a weekly apostolic work in the spirit of faith and in union with Mary.



Trócaire is the overseas development agency of the Catholic Church in Ireland. Inspired by the Gospel values of justice, peace and compassion; Trócaire works with the local church and partners across the world to help communities free themselves from poverty and injustice. Sr Brid Briggane of the Mercy Order in Mallow is one such volunteer who delivers talks and presentations in Primary and Post Primary schools. During Lent each year she addresses congregations in various parishes throughput the Diocese of Cloyne


St. Vincent de Paul Society

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVP) charity is a Christian voluntary organisation, working with people experiencing poverty and disadvantage, seeking to bring the love of Christ to those in need. Membership is open to anyone who can adopt the ethos of the society.

The Conference of SVP in Mallow, founded in 1860 is based in the Ozanam Centre, New Road and assists people in need in the parishes of Mallow, Killavullen, Mourneabbey and Ballyclough. Conference meetings are held weekly from September to May and every two/three weeks during the summer and over the Christmas holiday period. A very important volunteering work is carried out by the SVP is Home Visitation, where two members of the local conference team visits individuals or families to offer support, advice and practical help at critical times and encourage people toward self sufficiency. Volunteering is flexible with a time commitment of 2 to 3 hours per week. The main income for the Conference is sourced from donations, collections and fundraising events. Conference members are assisted by a number of auxiliary members for 'collecting' after the Sunday Masses.

Vincent’s Charity Shop, adjacent to the Ozanam Centre is another very important aspect of the SVP service in Mallow, providing people with “good as new” items at affordable prices as well as providing an income source for the Conference for its work of supporting those in need. Those who donate second hand clothes and unwanted items to Vincent’s are making a difference to people in need in the community.

SVP Social Housing, is a not for profit housing developed with the support of government and has 10 single units in Mallow providing long term accommodation to those who need it. These units are managed and administered by the local Conference.

Should you wish to contact the Society, you can call into the office or ring, leave a message and a telephone number and your call will be returned.


Parish Safeguarding Committee

The Parish Safeguarding Committee oversees the implementation of the Diocesan Policy and Procedures for safeguarding children and vulnerable adults in Mallow Parish.


Bethany Bereavement Support Group

Bethany Bereavement Support is a voluntary community, parish based community service for adults. Trained volunteers offer a safe, free supportive place to journey through grief after a death or a loss of any kind in their lives. Bethany provides a supportive listening service through individual meetings, telephone or home visits where requested. Groups are also facilitated from time to time where people are able to avail of a safe place to mourn and come to terms with their different losses.



ACCORD is the Catholic Marriage Care Service. Members who are trained to the highest standards provide access to information and support for those preparing for marriage, seeking to enhance their relationship, looking for help with marriage and relationship difficulties or carrying out research wanting to learn more about marriage and family issues. To avail of any of these services please contact the Parish Centre for details.


Offertory Collectors

This group of volunteers collect the offertory donations (the baskets) for the parish and special collection donations at Masses over the weekend and on special occasions throughout the year.


Knights of St. Columbanus

The Knights are an Order of the Catholic laymen dedicated to the service of Christ in daily life, in the workplace, the marketplace, in city, urban and provincial areas. The Order welcomes into their ranks Catholic men, in full communion with the Church who would wish to bring to the service of Christ their talents and skills towards the promotion of Christian values and principles in society.

There are four main objectives of the Order; to promote by personal and group action the extension of a practical Christianity in all phases of life, to maintain a fraternal society of Catholic Lay leadership, to honour the Faith and to prepare its members for the apostolate.

The aim of the Knights is to maintain our country Christian in outlook through thought and action. To achieve this end, Knights are guided by two principles of action - the Law of Charity and the Law of Justice.

Currently the order is involved in four national projects; St. John Paul II Awards, National Public Speaking Competition, Brú Columbanus in Cork and in Supporting Local Charities.


Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Group

Eucharistic Adoration takes place in the Adoration Chapel (near the Holy Spirit Convent). The Adoration Chapel is a quiet oasis from the hustle and bustle of everyday living where one can experience a very personal relationship with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. We are always looking for people to commit 1 hour of their week to Eucharistic Adoration. They can do this by contacting the Parish Centre. Display boards in St Mary's Church, Church of the Resurrection and also in the Porch of the Adoration Chapel highlight hours that need special attention. Eucharistic Adoration co-ordinators meet at regular intervals throughout the year to discuss ways to promote Eucharistic Adoration in the Parish.


Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

An "Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion" is a Catholic lay person who assists in the distribution of Holy Communion, either during the Mass or afterwards, such as to housebound persons. There are six members of the rota of Ministers assigned to each Vigil and Sunday Mass in both Churches. Each rota is for one month every four months. For weekday Masses there are eight Ministers who commit for a week every four weeks.

Ministers who distribute Holy Communion to the housebound once every week are again on a three to four month rota. In addition to visiting private homes a number of Nursing Homes within the Parish are also facilitated.

Contact St. Mary’s Church

Contact Weekdays

Contact Church of the Resurrection

Prayer Group

The prayer group is a Charismatic prayer group. Their mission is to adore, praise and thank God while being mindful of the spiritual and temporal needs of the whole world. The group meditate on sacred scripture, sing psalms and hymns in an atmosphere of quiet and relaxation. The Holy Rosary is recited followed by Intercessory Prayers. The Prayer Group meet in the Mercy Convent Centre every Wednesday from 7:45pm to 9:30pm. Attendance at the Prayer Group meeting is optional but commitment is also desirable. Everyone is very welcome.


Holy Hour Group

This Group meets every Thursday evening at 8:00pm at the Mercy Centre and pray for the Parish and the needs of all those who ask us to pray for them. Before the Blessed Sacrament Scripture is read, the Rosary and Divine Mercy Prayers are recited.


St. Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) Group

St. Pio Prayer Group was formed in Mallow in 1989. The mission is to help and be supportive, where possible, of those who are sick or are suffering in any way, as well as contributing to charitable organisation in the area. The committee is engaged in fostering a devotion to St. Pio through the organisations and promotion of the prayer group. On the second Tuesday of every month Mass is celebrated in the Church of the Resurrection followed by the blessing of the sick with the Blessed Sacrament and relics of St. Pio. The committee also helps to organise the Rosary Rally Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Knock Shrine in June, also the National St. Pio Pilgrimage day to Knock in September. Pilgrimages to San Giovanni Rotondo, the home of Pio from 1916 until his death in 1968 are also organised. The organising committee consists of eight members. New members are always welcome.


Altar Society

The Altar Society consists of those volunteers who assist in maintaining the sanctuary, cleaning the brass, flower arranging, candles, altar cloths, priest’s vestments etc, as well as preparing and decorating the sanctuary for special occasions in both Churches. The group meet once a month and would welcome new volunteers at any time.

Mary O Callaghan 022 22911
Sheila Crowley 086 3559861


Liturgy Group

For Catholics the primary place we gather as a praying people is in our parish church.  We gather at Sunday Mass.  We unite for baptisms, a funeral, a wedding or for the celebration of a First Communion and Confirmation.  Each of these is a public form of prayer and is called a Liturgy.  Catholic liturgies sustain and inspire us in our daily lives and in significant moments.  The Liturgy group meet on a regular basis to reflect, prepare and involve the community in both Sunday celebration, and in the themes of the liturgical year.  Many groups are represented in the liturgy groups such as the priests of the parish, the ministers of the word, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, Church choirs, sacristan etc.


V. Rev.  Andrew Carvill, Adm., Mourneabbey 022 51606
Sr Nuala 087 9018274


Altar Servers

Altar servers are invited from 4th and 5th classes in all primary schools in the Parish. Following a meeting with parents, permission is obtained in writing from each parent. Each server is encouraged to commit to their assigned Masses. New servers are always welcome.


First Saturday Prayer Group

Every first Saturday devotion to Our Lady of Fatima is held in St Mary’s church at 9.15 am before 10 am Holy Mass.  Every welcome


Ciaran Treacy 087 6396453

Church Choirs

The Church of the Resurrection Choir

The Church of the Resurrection Choir consists of 18 to 20 members and is a three part choir. The choir sing at noon Mass every second Sunday during the year up to June. The choir practice takes place every Thursday night at 7:30pm in the choir gallery. New members are always very welcome.


St. Mary’s Church Choir

St. Mary’s Choir practice and prepare their music on Monday nights at 8pm every week except on Bank Holidays. They sing at 11:00am Mass on Sunday, warm up at 10:30am. They sing most Sundays of the year taking holidays in July and August. New dedicated members are welcome.
