



“The Eucharist is the heart and the summit of the Church's life, for in it Christ associates his Church and all her members with Holy Communion."

The Parish takes a lot of time and care in its preparations for and celebrations of Sunday Mass. The bonds that bind us together as brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ are found in the Holy Eucharist. Having attended Sunday Mass we “go” hopefully somewhat uplifted to love and serve the Lord for the coming week at home, at work and in our community.

All our Masses are reasonably well attended T.G. An increase in the number of parents with young children attending has been noticed recently. Naturally we would love to have more parishioners join us every Sunday, especially the parents bringing their school going children. Your involvement in the liturgy in many ways would be a lift for all, whether it be singing, reading, serving, collecting or Eucharistic Minister.

For those no longer able to attend Sunday Mass, Eucharistic Ministers take Holy Communion to them at home or in nursing homes. One group goes from the 9:30am Mass at the Convent of Mercy and another group goes from the 10:00am Mass at the Church of the Resurrection. Anybody no longer able to attend Sunday Mass who wishes to receive Holy Communion at home should contact the Parish Office at (022) 20276.

Preparation for the Reception of Holy Communion for the first time:

Every year, the parish pays particular attention to the families who have children seeking the sacraments of Confession and Holy Communion for the first time. Our Catholic schools do a wonderful job in preparing the children for the sacraments, but parents must be clear that you are the first teachers of your children in the ways of faith.

Not only is it an important year in the life of your child, it is also an important year for their class, their teachers, and, also for you the parents/guardians. It is a special time too for the parish community. Your child’s faith journey began the day you brought your child to the Church to be baptised. And what a special day that was for you and the family when you promised to rear your child in the faith by word and example with the help of God. Your child is now in second class. She/he is about to take another step in their faith journey, as they prepare for Confession and Holy Communion for the first time. We all have a part to play.

As your home is the primary learning place, each parent/guardian will be asked to take on a special role throughout the year, to journey with your child in preparing to receive the sacraments. Our teachers do a wonderful job in preparing the children for their special day, but parents must be clear that you are the first teachers of your children in the ways of faith. The home is the domestic Church, where our children are influenced by what they see and learn.

The Parish of Mallow upholds the importance of sincere preparation for the sacraments and rightly expects those involved to be of the same mind. The parish believes in leading by example in this regard and asks the grown-ups involved to do the same for the sake of the faith lives of their children.

The programme begins 12 months before the First Communion Day with an Information/Enrolment meeting to which parents and guardians are invited. Then as the year unfolds from September to May, parents participate in five faith formation meetings and receive weekly email updates on the themes of faith associated with their child’s religious education in school. Families are invited to be part of the parish celebration of Sunday Mass every weekend as Jesus asks them to do.

The whole faith community in Mallow rejoices with the families involved and accompanies them through their love and their prayers.